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DS Geometry Questions

The lesson focuses on strategies for tackling Geometry Questions in Data Sufficiency on the GRE, emphasizing the importance of not trusting diagrams, understanding the necessity of given lengths to find lengths, and enhancing visual imagination skills to envision various shapes.
  • Don't trust diagrams in Data Sufficiency questions; they may not accurately represent the information given and can lead to incorrect assumptions.
  • To find a specific length in a geometry question, you must be provided with another specific length; angle measurements or ratio information alone are insufficient.
  • Enhancing visual imagination skills is crucial for envisioning the different shapes that could fit a given set of constraints, which is essential for answering Data Sufficiency questions effectively.
  • Practicing with different geometric constraints and attempting to draw multiple shapes that satisfy those constraints can significantly improve problem-solving skills in geometry.
  • Combining different pieces of information correctly is key to determining the sufficiency of data provided in these types of questions.
The Deceptive Nature of Diagrams
The Principle of Length in Geometry Questions
Developing Visual Imagination for Geometry

The GMAT in its current form will be offered through early 2024. Starting in Q4 of 2023, a new, shorter version of the exam called the GMAT Focus will become available.

This lesson applies to the current GMAT only since the GMAT Focus edition does not test Geometry.

Please see the lesson "New GMAT Focus Edition Coming in Q4 2023" for more details about the Focus edition.