Mountain County and Sunrise County are
two comparable counties, with similar numbers of registered voters. Both
are in the same region of the state. In both counties, about 60% of the
registered voters are registered Republicans, and almost all others are
registered Democrats. In 2005, Republican candidate Alf Landon ran
for supervisor of Mountain County, and Republican candidate Thomas Dewey ran
for supervisor of Sunrise County. Both took similar stands on issues, and
both ran against conservative Democratic candidates in the general county-wide
election, and none of these four candidates was an incumbent at the time of
this election. The Republican Congressman representing Sunrise County
endorsed Mr. Dewey, but the Republican Congressman representing Mountain County
refrained from endorsing Mr. Landon. Mr. Dewey won his election, but Mr.
Landon lost his election. Clearly, the endorsement positions of the
respective Congressmen were the deciding factors in these elections.