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Weighted Averages II (Advanced)

The content delves into an advanced technique for solving weighted average problems, specifically designed for individuals with strong mathematical and visual thinking skills preparing for the GRE exam.
  • Introduces a time-saving advanced technique for solving weighted average problems, emphasizing its suitability for those with a strong math background.
  • Explains the basic methods for solving weighted average problems using sums or proportions when dealing with actual counts or percentages.
  • Illustrates the advanced technique using a proportional reasoning approach for scenarios involving only two groups, leveraging the relationship between group proportions and their distances on a number line to the overall average.
  • Provides examples to demonstrate how the advanced technique is applied in practice, including solving for the average mass of vehicles and the average salary of employees in a company.
  • Highlights that understanding this advanced technique can offer a significant advantage in solving complex weighted average problems efficiently.
Introduction to Advanced Technique
Basic Methods Recap
Proportional Reasoning for Two Groups
Applying the Advanced Technique: Vehicle Example
Applying the Advanced Technique: Salary Example