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Inference Questions

The essence of the content revolves around understanding and tackling inference questions on the GMAT, focusing on discerning what is implied rather than explicitly stated in the text.
  • Inference questions require identifying conclusions that are 'unavoidably obvious' based on the author's statements, even if not directly mentioned.
  • A valid inference is something that 'has to be true' given the information provided, distinguishing it from distractors that could be true but aren't guaranteed.
  • The process of elimination is crucial in identifying correct inferences, as demonstrated through examples where potential inferences are critically evaluated.
  • Understanding the nuances of inference questions involves recognizing the various ways they can be presented and the importance of aligning inferences with the author's main point.
  • Examples provided illustrate the methodology for dissecting passages to extract valid inferences, emphasizing the necessity of an inference being a fact that must be true based on the given statements.
Understanding Inference Questions
Evaluating Potential Inferences
Distinguishing Valid Inferences from Distractors
Applying Inference Skills to GMAT Questions
Aligning Inferences with the Author's Main Point