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Avoiding Common DS Mistakes

The content focuses on common mistakes made by test-takers on the GMAT data sufficiency questions and provides strategies to avoid them.
  • Don't overcalculate; the goal is to determine if you have sufficient information, not to find the answer.
  • Treat each data sufficiency statement separately and independently to avoid mixing information between them.
  • Do not confuse a definitive 'no' answer to the prompt question with insufficiency; a clear 'no' can still mean you have sufficient information.
  • Analyzing each statement independently and understanding the logic of data sufficiency questions are key to avoiding common pitfalls.
  • Practical examples illustrate how to apply these strategies to typical GMAT data sufficiency problems.
Understanding Data Sufficiency
Avoid Overcalculation
Analyzing Statements Independently
Distinguishing Between Different Types of 'No'

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