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Home>Intro to Comparisons
Mike McGarry
Lesson by Mike McGarry
Magoosh Expert

The content provides an in-depth exploration of comparisons in the context of GMAT preparation, focusing on the importance of logical, unambiguous comparisons and the correct use of personal pronouns.
  • Comparisons must logically compare like to like, avoiding the common mistake of comparing dissimilar entities.
  • Ambiguity in comparisons is always incorrect on the GMAT, with clarity being paramount in conveying the intended comparison.
  • The correct use of personal pronouns in comparisons is crucial, with a focus on matching the compared terms in case (subjective, objective, or possessive).
  • Keywords for comparisons, including comparatives and superlatives, are essential for recognizing when comparisons are being made.
  • Common mistake patterns on the GMAT include illogical comparisons and ambiguous sentence constructions.
Introduction to Comparisons
Logical Comparisons
Ambiguity in Comparisons
Personal Pronouns in Comparisons