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Trap Answers

The content provides an in-depth analysis of common traps found in GMAT Critical Reasoning (CR) questions and offers strategies for identifying and avoiding these traps to improve test performance.
  • Emphasizes the importance of not spending excessive time on categorizing or decoding clearly wrong or dubious answer choices to maintain focus on finding the correct answer.
  • Identifies specific traps such as weak connections indicated by words like 'some', assumptions that require additional premises, and the allure of seemingly relevant but ultimately incorrect answer choices.
  • Highlights the necessity of understanding the subtleties of the question to avoid being misled by answer choices that seem to do something relevant but are actually vague or misaligned with the question's conclusion.
  • Advises test-takers to focus on the logical analysis of the argument and answer choices, rather than relying on gut feelings or superficial reasoning.
  • Encourages practice with official guide questions to apply the strategies for identifying and avoiding traps, while cautioning against over-reliance on the guide's explanations.
General Strategies for Navigating GMAT CR Traps
Identifying Common Traps in CR Questions
Strategies for Avoiding Traps and Selecting the Correct Answer
Applying Knowledge to Practice Questions