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Critical Reasoning Example #2

This lesson focuses on a critical reasoning problem, aiming to teach GRE exam takers how to weaken an argument by analyzing a specific scenario involving the wages of factory workers at Hamport Steelworks.
  • The lesson begins with a presentation of a critical reasoning question, asking learners to identify which option would weaken the industry analyst's argument.
  • An industry analyst argues that the revenue generated by factory workers could be redistributed to provide a more livable wage, despite the economic environment.
  • The lesson dissects each answer choice, explaining why only one option effectively weakens the industry analyst's argument by highlighting the necessity of marketing expenses.
  • It emphasizes the importance of understanding the logic behind each question and encourages watching video explanations for each question to grasp the underlying reasoning.
  • The lesson concludes by reinforcing the value of analyzing each question's explanation, especially for difficult questions or those answered incorrectly.
Introduction to Critical Reasoning
Analyzing the Argument
Dissecting Answer Choices
Identifying the Correct Answer
Lesson Recap and Advice