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Intro to Word Problems

This content provides a comprehensive guide to tackling word problems on the GRE, highlighting various strategies and categorizations.
  • Word problems encompass a broad spectrum of questions solvable primarily through algebraic techniques.
  • Questions may feature numerical or variable answer choices, with strategies including both traditional algebraic solutions and alternative methods like working from the answer choices.
  • Key categories of word problems include age, motion, work, growth and decay, and mixture questions, all requiring the translation of words into algebraic symbols and equations.
  • The module emphasizes the importance of assigning variables and formulating equations as foundational steps in solving word problems.
  • It also introduces general strategies for tackling word problems, followed by detailed discussions on each category and alternative solving techniques such as back-solving or picking numbers.
Introduction to Word Problems
Categories of Word Problems
Strategies for Solving Word Problems
Alternative Problem-Solving Strategies